Category: news
These songs have traversed the darkness of two thousand nights.
Originally written for the “Flamekeeper” album liner note. June 26th, 2023 These songs have traversed the darkness of two thousand nights. Not a single day has passed without thinking of them, and I have felt broken every time I had to part from them to secure a roof over my head. I have lifted, moved,…
To become a Living Sanctuary: The Birth of Flamekeeper
Originally written for the “We Who Light the Fire” EP Liner notes in 2019 I still remember very clearly when I started to be obsessed with the concept of fire: when my life hit rock bottom and I found myself completely broken, I tried to rebuild it with the help of my only natural talent:…
To be restless fire
Originally posted on The World Beyond on July 11th, 2019 Stockholm, July 11th 2019 Today my grandmother Angela -mother of my mother- left us. Being far away from my family and my hometown makes it a little difficult to get a proper emotional reaction to the fact. I decided to use the medium of writing…
Interview with (Uncut) – May 2024
Interview by Jonathan Jancsary Hey Marco and thank you very much for your time and your willingness to answer a few questions! Five years passed since your first EP “We Who Light The Fire”, please let us know a bit what happened between these years. Were you continuously working on the songs which we can…
Flail of Venom Interview’s Transcript (July 2020)
Words by D. O’Mahony Having released their debut “We Who Light the Fire” in late-2019, Italian one-man epic/black metal band FLAMEKEEPER has been under the needle for the past few months. The bands only member, Marco S. spoke to us about the influence, message, relationship with the label and themes of his music. With a…
The Birth of a Tribe.
October 18th 2019: the Birth of a Tribe. FLAMEKEEPER revealed to the World with the premiere of the song Until This Earth Takes Me. “We Who Light the Fire” EP to be released november 29th on Invictus Productions.